Optional Courses
The second semester of the European Political and Governance Studies programme kicks off with the second phase of the Simulation Game, where students engage in a real negotiation of an EU legislative proposal. Students also specialize in their area of interest and choose three courses from the following clusters:
EU Institutions and Administration (5 ECTS)
- DEMBLANS A. - Working in the EU Institutions, why, what and how : Theory and Practice (30h)
- LEHMANN W. & RIPOLL SERVENT A. - The European Parliament in the EU's Political System (30h)
- PUETTER U. - The Council of the EU Inside the EU's Negotiation Machine (30h)
- SZAPIRO M. - La Commission européenne en pers/pros-pective: métiers, mutations, réformes (30h)
- VITREY de GARDEBOSC A. - Les finances publiques de l'Union européenne (30h)
- WESSELS W. - The European Council : A Real World Analysis of the Leaders' Institution through Practical Exercises and Insider Insights (30h)
EU Internal Policies (5 ECTS)
- BERROD F. & MUNOZ R. - Le marché intérieur face aux défis du 21ème siècle : libre échange, compétitivité et protection face à la montée des replis nationaux (30h)
- BUSCHLE D. - The Green Deal Unpacking the EU´s energy and climate policies (30h)
- CHANG M. & GLÖCKLER G. - Financing the EU's geopolitical ambitions and economic transformations: EU fiscal, financial, and monetary policies (30h)
- CRESPY A. - The EU and the fight against social inequality (30h)
- DELREUX T. - The Green Deal - Unpacking the EU´s environment and climate policies (30h)
- LORENZANI D. - Foresight, industrial strategy, and digital policies: a new consistent trio in the EU (30h)
- PETERS E. - Les politiques numériques dans lUnion européenne (30h)
European Governance (5 ECTS)
- COEN D. & KATSAITIS A. - Interest Representation in the EU (30h)
- HOREL S. & SANTOS R.M. - From EU budget to action: A practical approach to EU Project management (30h)
- SCHIMMELFENNIG F. - The Future of Europe: Understanding and designing Europe's differentiated present and future (30h)
Europe and the World (5 ECTS)
- GREVI G. - EU Foreign Policy : Context and Priorities (30h)
- HOEFFLER C. - Geopolitical Europe : Governing Security and Markets (30h)
- LANNON E. - The EU and its Neighbourhood: Towards a 'Closer Political Association' and a 'Deeper Economic Integration' (30h)
Students also follow one course from the European General Studies Programme.
Although the courses are of a very high academic level, the greatest added value of the studies lies in the practical hands-on experience the students gain through their interactions with senior practitioners who are more than happy to share the insights gained from their work experience. - Aleksandar Latinov (Chopin promotion)