Debates on the future of Europe
For the second consecutive year, the Institute of European Studies (IEE) of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the European Political and Governance Studies Department (POL) of the College of Europe organise a series of debates on the future of Europe.
This activity is run by a student committee with the support of the teaching staff of both insitutional partners. Throughout the year, 25 students of each institution are divided into thematic panels linked to the Conference on the Future of Europe for the 2021-2022 edition.
A first meeting will be organised at the end of the first semester (November) in Bruges to enable participants to get to know each other, agree on working methods, and start their work in committees. The second meeting and Debates on the future of Europe will take place in Brussels at the end of the academic year (June), in order to finalise and present the outcomes of the debates . All participants' work will then be published in the form of a report on different platforms and possibly in Duodecim Astra, an academic journal edited and run by College students.
For further information, please refer to the articles below :
- Joint event IEE/CoE: Debates on the future of Europe | College of Europe (