Digital Transformation Nest

Mentor: Mr Olaf OSICA

Digital transformation is no longer an idea or concept but the reality of the world we live in. And it is not only ChatGPT or other Large Language Models based on the so-called generative Artificial Intelligence. Digital transformation is a process that shapes and changes the way we study, work or communicate. It also changes politics, society and the economy. For that reason, the Digital Transformation Nest is an invitation to learn and discuss with experts and practitioners the various consequences, opportunities and challenges of the digital era.

The Digital Transformation Nest in this academic year will explore the multifaceted impact of digital technologies on society, politics, and the economy. The Nest will serve as a platform for students to engage with experts, participate in discussions, and visit leading companies to gain a comprehensive understanding of digital transformation.  

The leading themes include:

  • Lectures & meetings with experts presenting AI’s impact on democracy and media, the economy and the future of jobs.
  • Legal and ethical aspects of the digital revolution.
  • How digital transformation impacts European Integration and the EU’s role in the world.