The department of European Political and Governance Studies hosts numerous guest lectures that are public events or part of a course.
Recent speeches given to the Department's students include:
- 10 March 2023: D. LORENZANI, Membre de cabinet du VP SEFCOVIC, Commission européenne, "Prospective stratégique" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 10 March 2023: B. WASSENBERG, Professor at Science Po, Université de Strasbourg, "Coopération transfrontalière entre la France et l'Allemagne: l'Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau" (Prof. F. BERROD & R. MUNOZ's course)
- 3 March 2023: C. LORD, Professor at ARENA, Centre for European Studies, "Brexit. A Sustainable Form of Differentiated Disintegration?" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 27 February 2023: S. CORCORAN, Consultant in EU Affairs, "EU Secondary Legislation: Methods for Monitoring & EU Court Jurisprudence" (Prof. D. GUEGUEN & V. MARISSEN's course)
- 31 January 2023: T. AUREAU, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of European Council President Charles MICHEL, "Guidance from theTop - The Role of the European Council and its President in Setting the Agenda of Council Configuration" (Prof. U. PUETTER's course)
- 22 September 2022: G. GLÖCKLER, Principal Adviser of the ECB's Directorate General Communication, College of Europe Visiting Professor, "Stability in Unstable Times? A Review of the ECB's Rike and Policies" (Prof. M. CHANG's course)
- 29 April 2020: Mr R. MUNOZ, Legal officer, European Commission - DG Grow Unit I.1 Space Policy and Research, “La Directive service” (Prof. F. BERROD's course)
- 24 April 2020: Mr A. POLACK, EU Delegation in Washington, “Working in EU Delegations” (Prof. S. HOREL's course)
- 23 April 2020: Ms O. LAHANQUE, EEAS, on the Middle East region and Iraq (Prof. E. LANNON's course)
- 22 April 2020: Mr H. DUHOT, EEAS, on the sub-Saharan region, Central Asia, and the FPI (Prof. E. LANNON's course)
- 12 April 2019: Mr P. PAWLACK, Founder and Editor, Borderlex, “EU response to hybrid and cyber threats” (Prof. G. GREVI's course)
- 2 April 2020: Mr M. BRESSON, “Business advocacy in the EU” (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 27 March 2020: Prof. B. WASSENBERG, Professeure d'histoire comtemporaine à ScPo Strasbourg et directrice du réseau Jean Monnet FRONTEM, « Frontières, coopération transfrontalière et intégration européenne » (Prof. F. BERROD's course)
- 27 March 2020: Ms A. HIRVELA, Parliamentary Assistant, "Who Calls the Shot at the European Parliament ?" (Prof. A. RIPOLL SERVENT's course)
- 24 March 2020: Ms J. RONE, Postdoctoral researcher, “Contesting Austerity and Free Trade in the EU: Protest Diffusion in Complex Media and Political Arenas” (Prof. A. CRESPY's course)
- 23 March 2020: Mr G. REY, Administrateur principal au secrétariat de la commission des budgets du Parlement européen, « Présentation de la position du PE sur le cadre financier pluriannuel 2021-2027 » (Prof. A. VITREY's course)
- 21 March 2020: Mr A. PERKAUSKAS, Deputy Head of Unit, DG for Communication Networks, Content and Technology, “Digital Platforms” (Profs. M. BAILEY & B. JURETZKI's course)
- 16 March 2020: Prof. C. LORD, "Brexit and Differentiated Integration" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 14 March 2020: Mr P. EBERL, Deputy Head of Unit Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy, European Commission, “Connectivity, telecom reform and cyber” (Profs. M. BAILEY & B. JURETZKI's course)
- 4 March 2020: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Secretariat General, Director for External Relations, European Commission, "Le rôle de la Commission européenne dans les relations extérieures de l'Union" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 3 March 2020: Mrs H. MERCENIER, Post-doctoral researcher, "'It's complicated': The European Union from Young People's Perspective in Brussels" (Prof. A. CRESPY's course)
- 18-19 February 2020: Mr S. CORCORAN on EU secondary legislation, “Monitoring Sources & Case Law” (Profs. D. GUEGUEN & V. MARISSEN's course)
- 16 January 2020: Mr A. BEELS, Secretary General, Renew Europe Group, European Parliament, "Who Calls the Shots at the European Parliament?" (Prof. A. RIPOLL SERVENT's course)
- 27 October 2019: Mr L. BUTHION, Head of Eurospace Brussels Office, “EU Space Policy” (Profs. F. VERSINI & F. DECOSTER workshop)
- 4 April 2019: Mr P.A. BORGOLTZ, Advisor, EU LOGOS Athena, Brussels, "EU Neighbourhoods: The Future of EU-Central Asia Relations, including the Belt and Road initiative Dimension" (Prof. E. LANNON's course)
- 21 March 2019: Mr G. REY, lead Administrator, Secretariat of the Committee on Budgets, European Parliament, "La position du Parlement européen sur le cadre financier pluriannuel 2021-2027"
- 16 March 2019: Mr L. KUMMER, PM2 Expert, European Commission, "The PM2 Methodology" (Prof. S. HOREL's course)
- 27 September 2018: Prof. R. H. COX, Director, Walker Institute for International and Area Studies and Professor of Political Science, University of South Carolina, "Constructing Europe's Collaborative Economy: The Politics of Inventing a New Regulatory Space" (Prof. M. CHANG's course)
- 16 March 2018: Mr R. MUNOZ, Senior Officer, EFTA Surveillance Authority, Brussels, "Directive Service" (Prof. F. BERROD's course)
- 7 March 2018: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner J. HAHN, European Commission, "Le rôle de la Commission européenne dans les relations extérieures de l'Union" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 7 March 2018: Mr B. BIERVERT, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Vice-President M. SEFCOVIC, European Commission, "La dimension extérieure de l'Union d'Energie" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 6 March 2018: Mrs L. PARKS, Associate Professor of Political Sociology, University of Trento, Italy, "How and When Can "Voice" Work? Evidence from Social Movement Campaigns" (Prof. A. CRESPY's course)
- 6 March 2018: Mrs D. BOSSAERT, Manager of the Observatory of the Public Service, Department of Public Service and Administrative Reform, the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, "Public Values and Attitudes - Ethics and Transparency across Member States and the EU" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 23 February 2018: Ms E. VANDENBOSCH, Director for Legislative Coordination, European Parliament, "How does the EP really legislate?" (Prof. N. PENALVER GARCIA & Prof. R. CORBETT's course)
- 22 February 2018: Mr A. BEELS, Secretary General of the ALDE Group, European Parliament, "Who Calls the Shots in the European Parliament?" (Prof. N. PENALVER GARCIA & Prof. R. CORBETT's course)
- 24 January 2018: Mr E. HARTSTEIN, Coordinator for inter-institutional Relations, European Parliament, National Parliaments, Committee of Regions, Ombudsman, "Préparation de la fiche GRI" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 14 November 2017: Mr K. REGLING, Managing Director and Member of the Management Board at the European Stability Mechanism, "Deepening EMU, Ambition and Realism" (Prof. M. CHANG's course)
- 28 April 2017: Prof. S. OBERTHÜR, Professor and Academic Director, Institute for European Studies, University of Brussels, "EU's Role in Global Climate Change Policy" (Prof. A. LENSCHOW's course)
- 26 April 2017: Mr A. POINTVOGL, Project Manager, Bluberries, "Simulation Game" (Prof. D. BUSCHLE's course)
- 25 April 2017: Mrs C. PRAVIN, Senior Expert in Evaluation, Deputy Head of Unit, DG DEVCO, European Commission, "European Commission Monetaring and Evaluation - EuropeAid" (Prof. S. HOREL's course)
- 19 April 2017: Mr P.A. BORGOLTZ, Advisor, EU LOGOS - Former EEAS Official, "EU Policy towards its Eastern Neighbourhoods: Prospects for a Wider European Space Area?" (Prof. E. LANNON's course)
- 13 April 2017: Mr I. HODAC, President, Aspen Institute, Prague, "Perspectives on Business Interest Representation" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 11 April 2017: Mrs L. PARKS, Senior Lecturer, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lincoln, "How and When Can "Voice" Work? Evidence from European Social Movement Campaigns" (Prof. A. CRESPY's course)
- 30 March 2017: Mrs C. SOMMIER, Senior Analyst for EU Public Policy and Government Relations, Unilever, "Being Part of the Solution", (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 24 March 2017: Mr R. MUNOZ, Senior Officer, EFTA Surveillance Authority, Brussels, "La libre prestation des services" (Prof. F. BERROD's course)
- 16 March 2017: Mr T. RENARD, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, "EU and Emerging Powers" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 1 March 2017: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner J. HAHN, European Commission, "Le rôle de la Commission européenne dans les relations extérieures de l'Union" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 28 February 2017: Mr G. MARANES, Executive Director Government Affairs & Policy EMEA at Johnson & Johnson, Mr F. UEDELHOVEN, Manager Agriculture Policy and Stakeholders at Bayer, Mr L. VAREILLE, External Affairs Director at Danone and Ms A. VOIGT, Director General at EPEE, "Lobbying Best Practices: Strategies and Tools to Maximize Impact" (Prof. R. PATTEN's course)
- 28 February 2017: Mrs D. BOSSAERT, Advisor, Head of the Observatory for Public Opinion, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform, "The Implementation of Ethics and Integrity in the National Public Services: Challenges, Priorities and Strategies in the EU Member States" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 23 February 2017: Mr A. BEELS, Secretary General of the ALDE Group, European Parliament, "Who Calls the Shots in the European Parliament?" (Prof. N. PENALVER GARCIA & Prof. R. CORBETT's course)
- 23 January 2017: Prof. M. WESTLAKE, Senior Visiting Fellow, European Institute, London School of Economics, "Where it Came From" (Prof. H. KASSIM's course)
- 18 April 2016: Mr P.A. BORGOLTZ, Advisor, EU LOGOS Athena, Brussels, "A Positive EU Approach on the Wider European Space Area: Kazakhstan as an Illustration" (Prof. E. LANNON's course)
- 14 April 2016: Mr J. COELMONT, former Brigadier General, Senior Associate Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, "A European Strategic Culture?" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 13 April 2016: Mr T. RENARD, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, "The EU and Strategic Partners" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 11 April 2016: Dr I. WEUSTENFELD, Principal Administrator, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission, "European Administrative Space" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 31 March 2016: Round table debate by Mr P. DE POUS, EU Policy Director, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels and Mr I. HODAC, Vice President, Aspen Institute, Prague, "TTIP and EU Lobbying: Perspectives from Business and NGO's" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 29 March 2016: Mr B. BIERVERT, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Vice-President M. SEFCOVIC, European Commission, "La politique énergétique de la Commission européenne" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 7 March 2016: Dr L. SCHREFLER, European Parliamentary Research Service, European Parliament, Brussels, "EU Institutions and Impact Assessment" (Prof. C. RADAELLI's workshop)
- 3 March 2016: Mr M. MacGANN, Vice-President and Head of Public Policy for European Middle East and Africa, UBER, "Reflections from Public Affairs Practice: Corporate, Associatons, Consulting" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's Course)
- 29 February 2016: Mr T. WESTPHAL, Director General European Affairs, German Federal Ministry of Finance, "EMU: Quo Vadis?" (Prof. M. CHANG, Prof. E. DE SOUZA and Prof. H. GEEROMS' course)
- 26 February 2016: Mrs D. BOSSAERT, Seconded National Expert at EIPA, "The Implementation of Ethics and Integrity in the National Public Services of the EU Member States: Choices, Challenges and Strategies" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 17 April 2015: Prof. S. OBERTHÜR, Professor and Academic Director, Institute for European Studies, Brussels, "EU's Role in Global Climate Change Policy" (Prof. A. LENSCHOW's course)
- 7 April 2015: Mr S. LHÔTE, Government Affairs, ALCOA Europe, "Energie et Compétitivité" (Prof. S. ANDOURA's course)
- 7 April 2015: Dr I. WEUSTENFELD, Principal Administrator DG Justice and Consumers, General Justice Policies and Judicial Systems, European Commission, "European Administrative Space" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 26 March 2015: Mr M. KROP, former Ambassador in the Dutch Foreign Service, "Is Germany the Problem or the Solution for Europe?" (Prof. M. SHEETZ' course)
- 19 March 2015: Mr P. DE POUS, EU Policy Director, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels, "TTIP: a View from an Environmental Protection NGO) (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 18 March 2015: Mr T. RENARD, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, "The EU and Strategic Partners" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 16 March 2015: Mr A. BEELS, Secretary General, ALDE Group, European Parliament, "Who calls the Shots in the European Parliament?" (Prof. J. PRIESTLEY's course)
- 13 March 2015: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Commissioner HAHN, European Commission, "La Commission européenne comme acteur international"
- 6 March 2015: Mr R. MUNOZ, Senior Case Handler, EFTA Surveillance Authority, Brussels, "Politique d'harmonisation" (Prof. F. BERROD's course)
- 3 March 2015: Mrs D. BOSSAERT, Seconded National Expert at EIPA, "The Implementation of Ethics and Integrity in the National Public Services of the EU Member States: Choices, Challenges and Strategies" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 28 February 2015: Mr B. BIERVERT, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Vice-President M. SEFCOVIC, European Commission, "La politique énergétique de la Commission européenne" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 23 February 2015: Mr T. WESTPHAL, Director General European Affairs, German Ministry of Finance, "The Eurocrisis: New Challenges for the EU's Economic Policy" (Prof. M. CHANG, Prof. E. DE SOUZA and Prof. H. GEEROMS' course)
- 16 February 2015: Mrs E. VANDENBOSCH, Director, Legislative Coordination and Conciliations, European Parliament, "How the EP Legislates" (Prof. J. PRIESTLEY's course)
- 15 January 2015: Mr H. VAN DE VELDE, Spokesperson, Head of the Press office, Belgian Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, "Porte-Parole de la diplomatie d'un Etat membre"
- 14 January 2015: Dr. T. NOVOTNA, FNRS & GR:EEN Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Prof. G. SABATHIL's compact seminar)
- 19 November 2014: Lecture by Mr V. SUCHA, Director General, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, "Science Advice and EU Policy Making"
- 14 November 2014: Mrs V. MARISSEN, Directrice Management, Pact European Affairs, "Comitologie et actes délégués: études de cas et sources d'information" (Prof. D. GUEGUEN's course)
- 29 April 2014: Mrs S. JOHANNESSON, Legal Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU "An Administrative Law for the EU - Development and Future" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 17 April 2014: Mr M. DERDEVET, Secretary General, Member of the Board, ERDF (Electricité Réseau Distribution France), "L'énergie comme enjeu citoyen" (Prof. S. ANDOURA's course)
- 15 April 2014: Mrs D. BOSSAERT, Seconded National Expert, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht, "The Implementation of Ethics and Integrity in the National Public Services of the EU Member States: Choices, Challenges and Strategies" (Prof. M. KAEDING's course)
- 11 April 2014: Mr A. ALTAFAJ TARDIO, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Vice-President O. REHN, European Commission, responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro, "La Commission européenne face à la crise économique et financière" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 11 April 2014: Prof. S. OBERTHÜR, Academic Director, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, "EU's Role in Global Climate Change Policy" (Prof. A. LENSCHOW's course)
- 10 April 2014: Mr J. COELMONT, former Brigadier General, Senior Associate Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, "A European Strategic Culture?" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 5 April 2014: Mrs N. SZAVOV, Investigator European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Brussels, "The Role of OLAF in Investigation" (Prof. H. NILSSON's course)
- 20 March 2014: Mr I. HODAC, recently Secretary General, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, "Business Interest Representation in the EU" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 17 March 2014: Mr J. LEINEN, MEP and President of the European Movement (EMI) and Sir J. PRIESTLEY, former Secretary General of the EP, Campaign Adviser for Mr M. SCHULTZ for the Commission Presidency, "The 2014 EP Elections - Really Different this Time?"
- 14 March 2014: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Member of the Cabinet of President J.M. BARROSO, European Commission, "The European Commission as an International Actor" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 13 March 2014: Mr T. RENARD, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, "The EU and Strategic Partners" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 7 March 2014: Mr D. RISTORI, Director General Energy, European Commission, "La politique énergétique européenne dans le contexte mondial"
- 28 February 2014: Ms F. VAN DER LOO, Head of Public Affairs, Grayling, "EU Lobbying: Demystifying the Reality - Demonstrating the Democratic Necessity" (Prof. R. PATTEN McLEAVE's compact seminar)
- 19 February 2014: Mr G. LEGRIS, Former Director and Head of the Transparency Unit, Secretariat General, European Commission, "Procedures for Dialogue with Civil Society" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 21 January 2014: Dr. T. NOVOTNA, GR:EEN Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Prof. G. SABATHIL's compact seminar)
- 13 November 2013: Prof. M. CHANG, "Economic and Monetary Union" (Prof. N. NUGENT's course)
- 31 October 2013: Mrs A. JACOBS, Political Advisor/Reporting Officer, EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Pristina "European Foreign Policy in Action" (Prof. N. NUGENT's course)
- 27 September 2013: Mr D. LOWE, Secretary of the EP Petitions Committee "The Citizens Initiative" (Prof. N. NUGENT's course)
- 20 April 2013: Mrs S. CLARKSON, Deputy Representative of the House of Commons to the EU, European Parliament, "Democratic Legitimacy of the EU: The Role of the National Parliaments" (Prof. D. EARNSHAW's course)
- 19 April 2013: Mr S. ANDOURA, Senior Research Fellow, Energy Policies - EU External Actions, Notre Europe - Jacques Delors Institute, Paris, "Is the EU Moving towards a European Energy Community?" (Prof. M. DERDEVET's course)
- 18 April 2013: Dr. T. NOVOTNA, GR:EEN Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Prof. G. SABATHIL's compact seminar)
- 17 April 2013: Ms A. GLOCCHIATI, Policy Advisor, European Federation of Nurses Assiociations; Mr D. GONZALEZ de CABO, Advisor, SNCF; Mr A. KURAN, PA and PR Consultant, GPlus; Mr E. QUINTIERO, Policy Assistant, European Sea Ports Organisation and European Federation of Inland Ports, "Working in EU Interest Representation: First Reflections by Practitioners from the Marie-Sklodowska Curie Promotion" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 12 April 2013: Prof. S. OBERTHÜR, Academic Director, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, "EU's Role in Global Climate Change Policy" (Prof. A. LENSCHOW's course)
- 11 April 2013: Mr J. COELMONT, former Brigadier General, Senior Associate Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, "A European Strategic Culture?" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 10 April 2013: Mr G. GLÖCKLER, Deputy Head of the EU Institutions Division, European Central Bank, "EU Financial Integration" (Prof. M. CHANG's course)
- 10 April 2013: Mr B. VERSMESSEN, Assistant to the Deputy Secretary General, European External Action Service, "Practitioner's Views on CFSP/CSDP" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 4 April 2013: Mr I. HODAC, Secretary General, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, "Business Interest Representation in the EU" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 27 March 2013: Mr T. RENARD, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, "The EU and Strategic Partners" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 15 March 2013: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Member of the Cabinet of President J.M. BARROSO, European Commission, "The European Commission as an International Actor" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 6 March 2013: Mr C. KREMER, Deputy Secretary General of the EPP "The European People's Party" (Prof. R. HRBEK's course)
- 19 February 2013: Mr A. PASCAL, Civil Servant, European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, Brussels (Prof. R. HRBEK's course)
- 24 January 2013: Mr G. GLÖCKLER, Deputy Head of the EU Institutions and Fora Division, Directorate General International and European Relations, European Central Bank, "The EMU's Institutions" (Prof. M. CHANG's course)
- 12 October 2012: Mr D. LOWE, Secretary of the EP Petitions Committee "The Citizens Initiative and the Petitions Process" (Prof. N. NUGENT's course)
- 17 November 2011: Mr A. STUBB, Finnish Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade, "Europe - From Crisis to Regeneration"
- 10 October 2011: Mr D. LOWE, Secretary of the EP Petitions Committee "The Citizens Initiative" (Prof. N. NUGENT's course)
- 20 April 2011: Ms I. DE CASTRO, Intern at Daimler, former student Natolin 2009-2010; Ms C. NOURIGAT, Consultant, Burson Marsteller, former student POL 2009-2010; and Ms C. ZAPPALA, Consultant, DCI Group, former student POL 2009-2010, "What I do and how I got here" (Prof. J. GREENWOOD's course)
- 14 April 2011: Mr B. VERSMESSEN, Permanent Chair of the Political Military Group, "The European External Action Service" (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 13 April 2011: Brigadier General J. COELMONT, Senior Associate Fellow, Security and Global Governance Programme; former Permanent Representative of Belgium to the EUMC (Prof. S. BISCOP's course)
- 1 April 2011: Baron F. VAN DAELE, Head of Cabinet of the President of the European Council, H. VAN ROMPUY, "The Role of the European Council's Presidency" (Prof. W. WESSELS' compact seminar)
- 1 April 2011: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Spokesperson, SPP Coordination and Planning, European Commission, "La communication politique de la Commission" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 25 March 2011: Dr. D. NEUMANN, Head of Legal Affairs, Europol, "A New Europol? What Lisbon Didn't Change"
- 21 March 2011: Mr T. RENARD, Research Fellow, Security and Global Governance, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, "The EU Strategic Partnerships" (Prof. BISCOP's course)
- 9 March 2011: Mr P. BOIJMANS, Deputy Head of Unit for Poland, DG REGIO, European Commission, "La mise en oeuvre de la politique de cohésion en Pologne" (Prof. S. DE RYNCK's course)
- 7 March 2011: Mr M. KAEDING, Lecturer, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, "La Commission comme gardienne des traités et autorité de surveillance" (Prof. M. SZAPIRO's course)
- 2 March 2011: Mr A. PASCAL, Communication Officer, Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, Brussels, "Specialised Agencies in the EU" (Prof. R. HRBEK's compact seminar)
- 24 February 2011: Mr I. HODAC, Secretary General, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, Brussels, "Business Interest Representation in the EU" (Prof. GREENWOOD's course)
- 23 February 2011: Mr G. GLÖCKLER, Deputy Head of Division, Directorate General International and European Relations, European Central Bank, "What Did the Financial Crisis Change ?" (Prof. CHANG's course)
- 4 November 2010: Mr N. DIAMANDOUROS, European Ombudsman and Mr. F. O'REGAN, Legal Assistant of the European Ombudsman, "The EU and the Citizen" (Prof. NUGENT's course)
- 22 October 2010: Professor M. CHANG, College of Europe, "EU Internal Policies: Economic and Monetary Union" (Prof. NUGENT's course)
- 15 October 2010: Mrs C. LECONTE, Senior Lecturer in Politcal Science, Université de Lille II, "Au-delà de la crise: comprendre l'euroscepticisme et ses enjeux"
- 14 April 2010: Ms A. DOMERGUE, Account Manager, G Plus, Brussels; Mr H. GUILLOT, Jesuit European Office, Brussels; Ms M. IVANOVAS, APCO Worldwide, Brussels; and Mr J. PEUZIAT, Espace Interrégional européen, Brussels, "What I do (and what issues arise), and how I got there" (Prof. GREENWOOD's course)
- 26 March 2010: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, EEAS Task Force, DG External Relations, European Commission, "Le rôle de la Commission européenne dans la crise géorgienne" (Prof. SZAPIRO's course)
- 22 March 2010: Mr E. DE CAPITANI, General Secretariat of the European Parliament, "Data Protection in a Transatlantic Perspective. Background and Implications of the European Parliament's Rejection of the SWIFT Interim Agreement"
- 18 March 2010: Mr T. RENARD, Research Fellow, Security and Global Governance, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, "The EU Strategic Partnerships" (Prof. BISCOP's course)
- 12 March 2010: Dr. A. MISSIROLI, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre, Brussels, "EU 2010: From one Transition to another - Implementing the Lisbon Treaty"
- 10 March 2010: Mr G. AVERY, Senior Member of St. Antony's College, Oxford University, Senior Adviser at the European Policy Centre, Brussels and Honorary Director-General of the European Commission, "The Future Development of the EU under the Lisbon Treaty" (Prof. WESSELS' course)
- 4 March 2010: Mr G. GLÖCKLER, Deputy Head of Division, Directorate General International and European Relations, European Central Bank, "The Financial Crisis and ECB Policy" (Prof. CHANG's course)
- 4 March 2010: M. R. HALL, Director, Regional Policy DG, European Commission, "Reforming Regional Policy: Towards Territorial Cohesion?" (Prof. DE RYNCK's course)
- 11 January 2010: Mrs M. MIDDLETON, Director of the Centre for International Media Ethics, "Journalists and the EU Data Protection Act"
- 21 January 2010: Mr S. GABOLA, Director, European Public Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company, Brussels, "Business Interest Representation in the EU" (Prof. GREENWOOD's course)
- 29 October 2009: Mr G. ARESTIS, Judge at the European Court of Justice, "The Extent to which the Jurisprudence at the ECJ on Constitutional Issues has shaped the Structure of the EU" (Prof. NUGENT's course)
- 27 April 2009: Mr R. BRUSSEL, European Public Policy Advisor (EPPA) Brussels; Ms A. de GENNARO & Ms M. MARTIN, European Social Platform, Brussels; Ms I. MANCHON, Intern, DG Trade, European Commission; former European Services Forum and Gplus, "What I do (and what issues arise), and how I got there" (Prof. GREENWOOD's course)
- 24 April 2009: Mrs C. LECONTE, Senior Lecturer, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lille et Sciences-Po Paris, "L'euroscepticisme" (Prof. SZAPIRO's course)
- 24 April 2009: Mr P. PONZANO, Principal Advisor for Institutional Questions, Secretariat General, European Commission , "La Commission européenne et la réforme des traités" (Prof. SZAPIRO's course)
- 24 April 2009: Mr M. KARNITSCHNIG, Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner B. Ferrero-Waldner, European Commission, "Le rôle de la Commission européenne dans la crise géorgienne" (Prof. SZAPIRO's course)
- 25 March 2009: Mr T. RENARD, Research Fellow, Security and Global Governance, Egmont - The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, "L'UE et les BRICs" (Prof. BISCOP's course)
- 16 March 2009: Mr P. BOIJMANS, Deputy Head of Unit for Poland, DG Regional Policy, European Commission, "Cohesion Policy in Poland 2007-2013" (Prof. DE RYNCK's course)
- 13 February 2009: Mr I. BOAG, Head of Unit, DG Relex K, External Service, European Commission, "Cooperation of EC Delegations with Member States and the Practical Functioning Taking the Example of the EC Delegation to Ukraine" (Prof. BURGHARDT's compact seminar)
- 21 January 2009: Mr S. GABOLA, Director, European Public Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company, Brussels, "Perspectives on Business Interest Representation in the EU" (Prof. GREENWOOD's course)
- 6 November 2008: Mr G. TITLEY, Leader of the UK Labour Group of MEPs in the European Parliament, "Do MEPs Make Difference?" (Prof. NUGENT's course)
- 15 April 2008: Mr J. LEINEN, Member of the European Parliament, "Political Parties in the EU" (Prof. LADRECH's course)
- 10 April 2008: Mr S. GABOLA, Director, European Public Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company, Brussels, "A Practical Experience in Managing European Interest Representation" (Prof. GREENWOOD's course)