Visit of Ukrainian Delegation to the College of Europe in Natolin
On 23 November 2023, the Vice-Rector of the College of Europe, Mrs Ewa OŚNIECKA-TAMECKA, met with a delegation of Ukrainian civil servants to discuss crucial matters related to the preparation for accession negotiations with the European Union.
During the session, the Vice-Rector shared insights from previous enlargements experiences, emphasising the importance of efficient organization of legal and institutional adjustments and the significance of interministerial cooperation. Notably, she underscored the significance of inclusive consultations with all stakeholders to formulate comprehensive national negotiating positions and mandates. Furthermore, she highlighted the need for seamless collaboration among diverse state institutions, including the Parliament, the Presidential administration, and the Government.
Mr Marek TABOR, Head of the Executive Education Office, accompanied the Vice-Rector and provided an overview of European policy coordination systems, emphasising the pivotal role played by experts and mid-management levels in resolving disputes between ministries and central offices, both preceding and following the accession to the EU.
The visiting group comprised of representatives from the Parliament, the President’s Office, the Cabinet of Ministers, and various ministries, coming to Natolin as part of a study visit organized by the Polish Institute for International Affairs (PISM).