College of Europe students at Future Leaders Conference of NATO Defense College
Two students from EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges, Barbora LEHKA (CZ) and Pablo CHAILLAT (ES/FR), and three students from European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe in Natolin, Airidas BANEVIČIUS (LT), Enikő DEÁK (HU), and Hugo DESBENOIT (FR), participated in the NATO Defense College’s 2nd Annual Future Leaders Conference in Rome on 16-17 March 2023.
The conference focused on NATO’s adaptation to a new era of strategic competition and was attended by 30 young scholars, senior practitioners, and NATO officials. Barbora and Pablo were both rapporteurs for working groups on deterrence and defence, and NATO-EU cooperation, respectively. They also participated in the conference’s Oxford Debate, where they were part of the team in favour of the motion “NATO is well adapted for contemporary security threats”. At the end of the debate, their team emerged victorious.
The College of Europe congratulates the students for their valuable contributions and thanks its visiting professor Thierry TARDY, Director of the Research Division at the NATO Defense College, for the great organisation of the conference.
credits: NATO Defense College