Call for contributions – EU-China Observer

The Baillet Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations and the EU-China Research Centre at the College of Europe (Bruges campus) are calling for contributions to the EU-China Observer's second issue of 2016. The issue will focus on EU-China Cooperation in Security Issues (submission deadline 15 April 2016).

Contributions or the next issue of the EU-China Observer may cover – but are not limited to – the following topics:

  • A field of joint interest? EU-China security cooperation in Africa;
  • Room for non-traditional security cooperation?;
  • A way forward for EU-China security cooperation, building on successful examples such as the Iran nuclear deal, anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden;
  • Potential cooperation to stop current conflicts, e.g. in Syria;
  • The arms embargo – slowing down cooperation?

Please send your contributions to by 15 April 2016.

The full call for papers, previous issues, and further information are available here.