Conference with Professor Maria FALCONE

On 22 October 2014, in the framework of the “Falcone & Borsellino Series”, College of Europe students had the great pleasure to welcome Professor Maria FALCONE, the sister of Giovanni FALCONE.

After the projection of a short movie on the lives of prosecuting magistrates Giovanni FALCONE and Paolo BORSELLINO, Professor FALCONE delivered a touching speech. She reported that after Falcone and Borsellino's deaths, she had thought the fight against the mafia was over. Then the response of people convinced her that "their ideas would continue to walk on somebody else's legs". She stressed that the reaction of citizens was so strong and led to a turning point in the fight against organized crime.

Lastly, as president of the foundation “Fondazione Giovanni and Francesca Falcone”, which promotes projects and initiatives related to the struggle against mafia, Professor FALCONE explained the importance of the dialogue with young people, as the new generations might be the key actors of a societal change.

For more information about "Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone" check the website:  Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone.