Eventful week for the European Civilization Chair at Natolin

As academic classes at the College of Europe in Natolin are now in full session, so are the meetings of the European Civilization Chair. Since its re-founding in 2011, the European Civilization Chair has been an integral part of the academic and research work at Natolin.

The principal focus of the Chair is recent European history, and particularly Europe’s twentieth century journey from division to reunification – with the caveat that reunification remains very much a work in progress. This is in keeping with Natolin’s core academic programme, European Interdisciplinary Studies, while enhancing its interdisciplinary character.

Last Monday, 7 September 2020, Professor Georges MINK, the new Chairholder of the European Civilization Chair, held a meeting with this year's Geremek scholars. The next day, the European Civilization Chair launched a dedicated meeting with all Natolin students interested in history. The meeting was led by Professor Georges MINK with the participation of other members of our academic staff: Dr Zachary MAZUR, Mr Jakub KUBICA and Mr Nicolas NIZOWICZ.

During both meetings, the students were presented with the European Civilization Chair’s work, history, current activities and academic curriculum. The students expressed major interest in the work of the Chair as a space for history-related ideas, for reflection on history and for dealing with the past in contemporary societies.