New project awarded — Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support for EU External Interventions

© European Union, 2016 Source: EC - Audiovisual Service

We are proud to announce that the College of Europe is a member of the consortium, led by Ecorys Nederland B.V., that was awarded the new phase of the EU-funded contract "Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support for EU External Interventions".

Its overall objective is to provide support and technical assistance to the DG DEVCO of the European Commission, in order to improve the quality, coherence and effectiveness of EU interventions in international cooperation through increased knowledge, reinforced capacities, enhanced working methodologies and skills of EU staff in Headquarters and Delegations.

Importantly, a new methodology, terminology and mind-set are needed following the adoption of the new European Consensus on Development to ensure that EU interventions in international cooperation are systematically in line with the latest EU policy objectives and contribute to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU international cooperation and development policy.

Under the supervision of the DG DEVCO’s Unit 04, the Consortium carries out the following types of services:

  • Support to knowledge creation: developing/updating of methodological guidance and analytical tools related to a) the different themes and sectors of EU international cooperation and b) the different phases of EU interventions in international cooperation (from programming to evaluation)
  • Support to knowledge transfer: maximising the uptake of knowledge created and learning through the organisation of learning activities tailored to EU strategic priorities and participants' needs (e.g. face-to-face training activities and their follow-up, webinars, micro learning, learning videos, etc.);
  • Support to knowledge sharing: maximising collaboration and exchanges of experience/stories between services/individuals, contributing to the creation of active communities of practice. This area also includes the management of Capacity4dev (the corporate on-line collaborative knowledge sharing platform).

We look forward to the collaboration.

Are you an expert trainer in development cooperation, project cycle management, programming, and monitoring and evaluation? We are happy to work with you on this project. Contact us at with “MKS expertise” in the subject line.

All NEWS from the College of Europe Development Office


This project is funded by the European Union

Picture source: EC - Audiovisual Service, © European Union, 2016

We are proud to announce that the College of Europe is a member of the consortium, led by Ecorys Nederland B.V., that was awarded the new phase of the EU-funded contract "Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support for EU External Interventions".