Professor SCHUMACHER and Dr NITOIU have published the article: "Russia’s Foreign Policy towards North Africa in the Wake of the Arab Spring"

Professor Tobias SCHUMACHER, Chairholder of the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the Natolin (Warsaw) campus of the College of Europe, together with Dr Cristian NITOIU, Dahrendorf Post-Doctoral Fellow at IDEAS at the London School of Economics and former Post-Doctoral Fellow at the ENP Chair, have just published an article in Mediterranean Politics Vol. 20, No. 1, entitled "Russia’s Foreign Policy towards North Africa in the Wake of the Arab Spring".


The article analyzes Russia's relationships with the countries in North Africa (Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria) in the wake of the Arab Spring and argues that in each case the Kremlin aimed to take advantage of new regional opportunities without really being guided by an overarching strategy for the region. However, Russia increasingly seems to be keen to position itself in the region as an alternative to the EU or the US, not least in light of the current war in Ukraine.


The full article can be found here.