Rector MOGHERINI participates in the Prespa Forum Dialogue (1/07)
Presidents, Prime Ministers, officials and experts from the Western Balkans and the EU gathered this week for the Prespa Forum Dialogue 2021, hosted by the Government of North Macedonia.
The Conference, titled “Western Balkans: The Missing Puzzle for Completing Europe” takes place on 1 and 2 July in the Ohrid-Prespa region.
Following the keynote speech of Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran ZAEV, during the Official Opening of the Conference —"Road to Prespa", Rector MOGHERINI participated (by video call) in a panel of the primary architects of the 2018 Prespa Agreement, together with former Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis TSIRPAS, and former Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Johannes HAHN, inter alios.
The panel addressed the challenges in the implementation of the three agreements of North Macedonia and the following questions:
- How well known is the North Macedonia success story to the wider public?
- Did the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Agreements with Bulgaria and Greece changed the perception about North Macedonia and about the region, and to what extent?
Please see the Prespa Forum Dialogue website for more information.
"I will repeat again this sentence, now and after another 3 years. I remain convinced that #ThePrespaAgreement made me, my colleagues, of both sides of the Atlantic, proud, and served as inspiration"
@FedericaMog via video call #PrespaForumDialogue