Training on IPA II funds in Turkey

The College of Europe Development Office has been implementing several training courses in Ankara in the framework of the contract "Technical assistance for IPA II (2014-2020) – support to preparation for IPA II" since November 2016. For these services, the College of Europe has been subcontracted by Ernst & Young Advisory Services, which was awarded this EU-funded project.

The project aims at contributing to the successful management and utilisation of IPA II (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, period 2014-2020) funds in Turkey. Specifically, the project aims at supporting the Ministry for European Union Affairs (MEU) and the sector lead institutions to prepare the programming documents under IPA II and to assist the MEU with the establishment of management systems for the IPA II period.

The support is undertaken, inter alia, through a training component, and the College has been contributing to the implementation of regional seminars held in Ankara (Turkey) on different aspects related to IPA II and one Training of Trainers course. Therefore, throughout the project’s lifetime, it has given expertise for 14 training modules, on topics such as IPA II environment and implementation; IPA II monitoring, reporting and evaluation; Action Documents preparation; performance monitoring; irregularity management and prevention; IPA II programming and selection; PRAG and FIDIC rules.
All NEWS from the College of Europe Development Office

Since November 2016, the College of Europe Development Office has been implementing several training courses in Ankara in the framework of the contract “Technical assistance for IPA II (2014-2020) – support to preparation for IPA II”.