Rector’s contribution to the EU-ASEAN Young Leaders Forum
On Tuesday, 26 April 2022, Rector MOGHERINI held a speech marking the launch of the second edition of the EU-ASEAN Young Leaders Forum, which brought together over 200 participants.
The 2nd edition of the EU-ASEAN Young Leaders Forum, "Scenarios for the Future of EU-ASEAN Relations", is organised in partnership with the College on Europe, the ASEAN Foundation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), the Asian Vision Institute and the New Horizon Project.
The programme of activities comprises an opening meeting in April, a series of capacity building workshops run between May and September and a seven-day Forum session in October. As part of the programme outcomes, young leaders from the EU and the ASEAN will present a set of strategic policy recommendations to Leaders at the EU-ASEAN 45th Anniversary Summit in late 2022.
The Forum launched on 26 April 2022 with an online meeting gathering all participants, highlevel EU and ASEAN representatives, and a panel of experts. On this occasion, young leaders were briefed on the history, development, and state of EU-ASEAN relations (inter-regionalism, interregional learning, value of institutional cooperation) and specific areas of cooperation that experts see as particularly promising or challenging.
On May 24, Rector MOGHERINI will participate in the first capacity building activity, engaging in an opening dialogue with the 80 European and Asian young leaders.
EU-ASEAN Young Leaders Forum – EU-ASEAN
YouTube recording
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