Mission statement

The contents of this page will not be updated anymore as of September 2020 since the Baillet Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations ceased to exist.


The EU-China Research Centre, based within the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (2014-2020), focused on the European Union’s relations with China in the changing international system. While the EU has been building its capabilities and ambitions as a global actor, China is a major driving force behind the changing world order. The Centre carried out research on bilateral aspects of the EU-China relationship as well as their roles in a global context in areas such as security, trade, investment and climate change. The Centre’s overall objective was to advance research and promote policy dialogue on questions of strategic importance to both sides. The Centre also aimed to serve as a bridge between the academic and the policymaking community in EU-China relations.


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