Événements à Natolin

Année académique 2016/2017


Start of the Academic Year 2016-2017 at the Natolin campus

"Fifteen years after": Alumni reunion of the Simon Stevin Promotion (2001-2002)

Concert on the occasion of Polish Independence Day

Fundraising event for the victims of the earthquake in Italy

International Conference: "The Fate of Freedom in Eastern Europe: Autocracy – Oligarchy – Anarchy?"

"Meet the Professionals" with Mr Matt HINDE and Mr Jean-Arnold VINOIS from Fleishman Hillard Brussels

Meeting with Professor Antony POLONSKY on Polish-Jewish relations and the POLIN Museum

"Meet the Professionals" with Mr Jakub IWANIUK,  journalist at "Le Monde"

"Five years after": Alumni reunion of the Albert Einstein Promotion (2010-2011)

Visit by a delegation from the Bavarian State Parliament's Committee on Science and the Arts

"Fifteen years after": Alumni reunion of the Aristotle Promotion (2000-2001)

First semester study trip to Ukraine (16-22/10)

Opening Ceremony at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe

Round-table debate: "From Order to Disorder in Europe’s Southern Neighbourhood"

ENP High-level Lecture: The Global Strategy and the 2015 ENP Review

Panel Debate on Western Balkans and the EU Enlargement Process

Natolin campus hosts the "Policy Advisers Course for Eastern Partners" (7-11/11)

ENP Round table: "The Global Strategy and the 2015 ENP – Enhancing the Resilience of the EU's Eastern Neighbours: The Challenge of Protracted Conflicts"

Public Debate on "Security for Europe in a Time of Crisis" at the Royal Łazienki Palace in Warsaw

ENP Round table: "The Global Strategy and the 2015 ENP – Fostering Dialogue and Negotiation: Towards a Peaceful Southern Neighbourhood?"

Natolin Neighbourhood Ambassadorial Talk with H.E. Ambassador Pierre VIMONT

High-level seminar with President Herman VAN ROMPUY at the College of Europe in Natolin

Academic Conference "Solidarity and Mercy" co-organized with "Teologia Polityczna"

Panel discussion: EU assistance in the Western Balkans - the case of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Visit of the Danish Selection Committee

Alumni Christmas party and recruitment launch

Book launch of "Brothers or Enemies" by Dr Johannes REMY

Christmas Dinner for Natolin students

Natolin Choir at the 7th Annual Christmas Carols Concert "Non degu, non?" in Warsaw

Visit of Mr Mario ABOU ZEID, Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs of Lebanon

High-level lecture by Mr Alyn SMITH, MEP and College of Europe in Natolin Alumnus

High-level lecture by Mr Edward LUCAS, Senior Editor at The Economist

Natolin students organize a Carnival party for refugee children

Public debate "Quo Vadis Europa? Where are you going Europe?" in the Warsaw City Library

"Meet the Professionals" with Ms Iwona REICHARDT, New Eastern Europe

Guest lecture by Dr Olaf OSICA: "Geopolitics of the Baltic Region"

Visit of the Ambassadors of Australia and New Zealand to Poland

Natolin students participate in the simulation game "The Congress of Vienna"

Visit of Mr Gilbert SABOYA SUNYÉ, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Andorra

Guest lecture by H.E. Mr Harri TIIDO: "Security Challenges Facing the Baltic States"

ENP Chair Literary Talk on the Human(e) Dimension of the War in Ukraine

"Energy Group Natolin" met with representatives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ENP Chair round-table on the external action of the European Council

Alumni Reunion of the Chopin Promotion (2015-2016) in Natolin

High-level seminar with former President of the European Parliament Pat COX

Guest lecture by Professor Wojciech ROSZKOWSKI: "Political Culture of Central and Eastern Europe"

Guest lecture by Mr Marek MENKISZAK: "Kaliningrad: A Social and (Geo)Political Introduction"

International Symposium "Three Revolutions – Portraits of Ukraine" as part of the 3R Project

Migration and Asylum Awareness Society visit to the Frontex Agency in Warsaw

TEDx College of Europe Natolin Student Competition under the theme " Brave the Impossible"

Guest lecture by H.E. Mr Rafał WIŚNIEWSKI: "Hungary and Poland in Central Europe - ..."

Guest lecture by H.E. Dr Wojciech ZAJĄCZKOWSKI: "Security Challenges in the South Caucasus"

Visit of the members of the association "Young Generation Ukraine" to Natolin

Guest lecture by Professor Thornike GORDADZE: "Georgia's national identity politics and regional geopolitical trends"

Visit of Mr Didier REYNDERS, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Belgium

Natolin Second Semester Study Trip Week - Georgia & Armenia, the Baltic States, the Visegrad Group countries and Brussels & Luxembourg

Introductory Seminar on International Humanitarian Law with the ICRC

Conférence spéciale par S.E.M. l'Ambassadeur Pierre LÉVY : « Après le sommet de Rome, quel avenir pour l’Union européenne ? »

Second edition of TEDx College of Europe Natolin: "Braving the Impossible!"

Debate "Women on the Move" organized by the Natolin Migration & Asylum Awareness Society

Natolin student delegation at New York National Model United Nations 2017

Natolin students visit at OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw

High-level lecture by Mr Andrei GALBUR, Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova

Guest lecture by Mr Wojciech ZALEWSKI: "Brexit: constitutional and legal ramifications"

Special "Meet the Professional" event with Ms Martine REICHERTS, Director General at the DG Education and Culture

Guest lecture by Mr Sakari VUORENSOLA: "The role of Frontex, the migratory situation in Europe, and the challenges ahead"

Training for students from the Ukrainian Catholic University on the European Neighbourhood Policy

The award ceremony of the Bronisław Geremek Prize 2017 in the field of European Civilization and history

Natolin Students and Staff Football Cup

20 years after – Alumni reunion of the Alexis de Tocqueville Promotion (1996-1997)

"The College of Europe – Arenberg European Prize" Award Ceremony

25th anniversary of the Natolin campus at the Polish Embassy in Rome

Closing Ceremony for the John Maynard Keynes Promotion

5th European Neighbourhood Policy PhD Summer School

10 years after – Alumni reunion of the Copernicus Promotion (2006-2007)

Fifth edition of the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA)

Training for the Polish MFA's Diplomatic Academy on the ENP and the EU's Neighbours

"Leopolis for Future Internship Program" launch at the College of Europe in Natolin