EU crisis management simulation by students

From 4 to 8 February 2019, the students of the EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies programme at the College of Europe in Bruges immerse in a one-of-a-kind, high-pace exercise to explore how the European Union might react to two hypothetical crises beyond its borders. During an entire week, the students represent a variety of challenging roles, ranging from the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission, to Working Group experts, European Union Member States’ Ambassadors and Foreign Ministers, as well as journalists.

This simulation game is an integral part of the study programme. Directed by a negotiation expert, Alejandro RIBÓ LABASTIDA, and a political advisor from the EEAS, Quentin WEILER, it offers a “real-world” feel experience of EU crisis management and allows students to apply their knowledge on EU foreign policy and sharpen their bargaining skills.

The faculty-led debrief allows students to reflect on their experience, and helps them to learn from it.

IRD Simulation game.February 2018