Modern Art Exhibition curated by College of Europe students and School of Arts Gent

The end of March 2015 also marks the end of a unique event that took place at the College of Europe over the last month: “the TEDx art exhibition”. It was the first time an event of this nature has been held within the College facilities. 


The exhibition brought together 10 artists, 15 pieces of art, 3 bands, 2 live performances and 20 pizzas! This idea was able to become a reality shared by over 300 people during the vernissage and guided tours, thanks to the kind support of the College of Europe, KASK and Het Entrepot. If you have missed it we suggest you take a look at the video and the report on local television


The theme being “Why not?”, this event represented an opportunity to create an interaction between the College of Europe and the citizens of Bruges. Through their colorful art work, the artists were able to break down the concrete images that dominate the Verversdijk campus and breathe fresh life into its hallways. Their art was appreciated by students, the College administration and the citizens of Bruges, many of the latter setting foot on the College facilities for the first time despite living in Bruges their whole life.


We hope this project will serve to build a long-term relationship between the citizens of Bruges and the College.

This art exhibit was part of the TEDx Conference cycle that took place on 11 April. 

A unique event took place at the College of Europe over the last month: “the TEDx art exhibition”. It was the first time an event of this nature has been held within the College facilities.