New publication by Dr Andriy TYUSHKA from the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair

Dr Andriy TYUSHKA, Senior Research Fellow in the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the College of Europe in Natolin, has just published with Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK the Polish-language version of the 2019 co-edited volume on strategic partnerships in International Relations theory and practice. Państwa, Organizacje Międzynarodowe i Partnerstwa Strategiczne appeared with the Academic Press of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and is a translated and adapted Polish version of States, International Organizations and Strategic Partnerships that got published in late 2019 with Edward Elgar.

Altogether, Dr TYUSHKA authored three and co-authored further six chapters of this comprehensive volume that, drawing on the mixed-methods research strategy and essentially involving statistical hypothesis testing, builds a cutting-edge theoretical account on the notion of ‘strategic partnerships’ in IR theory and Foreign Policy Analysis as well as it elucidates the manifold practices of strategic partnerships forged by the European Union, NATO, ASEAN and the Andean Community with great and small powers alike including i.a. the US, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Georgia and Ukraine.