- Mr José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission
- Mr Jerzy BUZEK, President of the European Parliament
- Mr Emilio DE CAPITANI, Former Head of Unit, Secretariat of the LIBE Committee, European Parliament
- M. le Professeur Roger DE WECK, Directeur Général de la Société suisse de Radiodiffusion et Télévision
- S.E.M. l’Ambassadeur Philippe ERRERA, Représentant permanent de la France auprès de l’OTAN
- H.E. Ambassador Sandra FUENTES-BERAIN, Embassy of Mexico
- Mr Andrei GRACHEV, Former Spokesperson of Mikhael Gorbachev
- Mrs Corinne JACQUES (Jean Monnet Promotion 1980-1981), Vice-President, Rive Gauche
- Mr Ilkka LAITINEN, Executive Director of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX)
- Mr János MARTONYI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary
- H.E. Ambassador Thomas MAYR-HARTING, Head of the EU Delegation to the UN in New York
- Professor Bronisław MISZTAL, Executive Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies and Professor and Chairholder of the Sociology Chair at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC
- Mr Giorgio NAPOLITANO, President of the Republic of Italy
- Mr Boris NAVASARDIAN from the Yerevan Press Club who is Coordinator of the Civil Society Forum Working Group on Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability
- Mrs Marija PEJCINOVIĆ-BURIĆ, Former Minister of European Integration of Croatia and former Deputy of the Croatian National Parliament (Hrvatski Sabor)
- Dr Marc F. PLATTNER, Vice-President for Research and Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Director of the International Forum for Democratic Studies, and Co-Editor of the Journal of Democracy
- Mr Jan ROELS, Partner and Global Tax Clients Leader, Deloitte
- Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration
- Mr Alexander STUBB, Finnish Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade, Former Student of the College of Europe and former Visiting Professor (2000-2007)
- Mr Csaba TABAJDI, Member of the European Parliament, Head of the Hungarian Socialist Delegation
- H.E. Minister Steven VANACKERE, Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Reforms
- Mr Frank VANDENBROUCKE, Belgian Minister of State
- Judge Marc VAN DER WOUDE (Jean Rey Promotion 1983-1984), Court of Justice of the European Union
- Mr Luuk VAN MIDDELAAR, Speechwriter of Herman Van Rompuy; Author of ‘The Passage to Europe’
- Mr Joost VAN ROOST, CEO for Benelux, ExxonMobil
- Mrs Androulla VASSILIOU, Member of the European Commission responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth