- Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA, Vice-President of the European Commission and Competition Commissioner
- H.E. Mr Egemen BAGIS, Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator
- H.E. Ambassador Urs BUCHER, Head of the Swiss European Integration Office
- Mr Jerzy BUZEK, President of the European Parliament
- Mr Jack CHRISTOFIDES, Team Leader for Sudan, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations
- Mr Karel DE GUCHT, European Commissioner designate for Trade
- Mr J.L. DEHAENE, Former Belgian Prime Minister
- Mr Giuseppe DE PALMA, Vice-President, European Union Affairs
- Mr Mikolaj DOWGIELEWICZ (Walter Hallstein Promotion), Secretary of the Committee for European Integration, Secretary of State
- Mr Geoffrey HARRIS, Head of Human Rights Unit, European Parliament
- Mr Toomas Hendrik ILVES, President of the Republic of Estonia
- Mr Bruce JENKS, UN Assistant Secretary-General
- Professor Jean-Victor LOUIS, Honorary Professor, Brussels University (ULB), Honorary General Counsel of the National Bank of Belgium
- M. Laurent MERER, le Vice-Amiral d’Escadre
- Mrs Elise MUIR (Bertha von Suttner Promotion), Lecturer, European and International Law, Maastricht University
- S.E. M. l’Ambassadeur Ricardo NEIVA TAVARES, Mission du Brésil auprès de l’Union européenne
- Mr Emil PAULIS, Director, Directorate G, Financial Services Policy and Financial Markets, European Commission
- Mme Odile QUINTIN, Directeur Général, DG Education et Culture, Commission européenne
- Mr Rodolfo C. SEVERINO, Head of the ASEAN Studies Centre, Singapore, Former Secretary-General of ASEAN
- Judge Sang-Hyun SONG, President of the International Criminial Court, The Hague
- Mr Yoshinori TANAKA, First Secretary, Mission of Japan to the EU
- H.E. Ambassador Takako UETA, Mission of Japan to the EU
- Mr S.J. VANDERLEEUW, Chemical Regional Director for Europe, Middle-East and Africa, ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical, Machelen
- Mr Michiel VAN HULTEN, Managing Director, Burson Marsteller Brussels
- M. Herman VAN ROMPUY, Président du Conseil européen
- Mr Antonio VIGILANTE, Director of the United Nations Office in Brussels
- Mr Hans VRIENS, Managing Partner, Vriens & Partners, Singapore
- Mr Xining WANG, Counselor, Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the EU
- Mrs Susanne WEBER-MOSDORF, Assistant Director-General, World Health Organisation, Office at the European Union
- Mr Martin WESTLAKE, Secretary-General of the European Economic and Social Committee