- Mrs Paola AMADEI, First Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU
- Mr Michel BARNIER, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services
- Mr John BELL, Europe/Africa Director for Retail Sales, ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical, Machelen
- Mr Ian BOAG, Former Head of four Commission Delegations
- Mr Stephen BORG, PSC Representative, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Malta to the EU
- Mr Thierry BRUN, Former Official at the World Bank
- Professor Igor BURAKOVSKY, Head of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, Kiev
- M. Didier CANESSE, Représentant adjoint de la France auprès du COP
- Mr Moncif CHARKAOUI, Economic Counsellor, Embassy of Morocco in Brussels
- H.E. Mrs Jozefina ÇOBA TOPALLIi, Speaker of the Albanian Parliament
- M. le Professeur Michele COLUCCI, Avocat et Membre de la Chambre des litiges de la FIFA, Ancien Membre du Service juridique de la Commission européenne, Professeur auprès Universités de l’Illinois, Tilburg, Anvers et Madrid
- Mrs Michèle CONINSX, Vice-President of Eurojust and National Member for Belgium
- H.E Mr Stefaan DE CLERCK, Justice Minister of Belgium
- Mr Alex DE KERPEL MORALES, Policy Advisor, Embassy of Mexico to Belgium and Luxembourg
- Mr Johan DELMULLE, Federal Prosecutor of Belgium
- Mr Alain DE MUYSER, Deputy Secretary-General of the Benelux
- Mr Giuseppe DE PALMA, Vice-President European Union Affairs
- Lieutenant General Hans-Lothar DOMRÖSE, Commander Eurocorps, Former Commander German Special Forces, Chief of Staff ISAF Afghanistan 2008
- Mr Richard EKSTEN, Senior Executive-EU Policy, Scotland Europa
- Mrs E. FRENOY, Assistant Manager, Economic Affairs, EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)
- Mrs Marta GAJECKA, Former Vice-President of the European Investment Bank
- H.E. Mr Abdullah GÜL, President of the Republic of Turkey
- H.E. Ambassador Peter GYÖRKÖS, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU
- Dr. Liem HOANG-NGOC, France, Membre du Parlement Européen, Groupe de l’Alliance Progressiste des Socialistes et Démocrates
- H.E. Ambassador Róbert KISS, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary in Poland
- Prof. Dr. Michael KÖHLER, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner G. Oettinger and Senior Fellow, Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, Universität Bonn
- Mr Mohamed Cherif KOURTA, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Algeria in Brussels
- Mr Alaksandr ŁAHVINIEC, Advisor to Dr Aliaksandr Milinkevič, Teacher at European Humanities University, Vilnius, Belaruski kalehium, Minsk
- Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI, EU Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget
- Mr Petros MAVRIKIOS, First Secretary, Permanent Representation of the Rpublic of Cyprus to the EU
- H.E. Ambassador Peter MIŠIK, Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the Political and Security Committee
- Mr Wael NAWARA, Secretary General of Al Ghad Opposition Party in Egypt
- Dr Dietrich NEUMANN, Head of Legal Affairs at Europol, the European Law Enforcement Agency
- Mr J. PATRIS, Assistant Manager, European Vaccine Manufacturers (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)
- Professor Jacques PELKMANS, Director of the European Economic Studies Department
- Mrs Sofia MARIA ALVES (Ramon Llull Promotion 1994-1995), Cabinet of Commissioner J. Almunia, European Commission
- Mr Kris PEETERS, Minister-President of the Flemish Community and Flemish Minister of Economy, Foreign Policy, Agriculture and Rural Policy
- Mr Ramón PÉREZ MAURA, International Relations Scholar and Journalist
- H.E. Ambassador Nikola POPOSKI (Montesquieu Promotion 2004-2005), Mission of FYR Macedonia to the EU
- Mr Maciej POPOWSKI, Deputy Secretary General, European External Action Service
- H.E. Mrs Viviane REDING, Vice-President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship of the European Commission
- H.E. Mr Didier REYNDERS, Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Minister of Finance and Institutional Reforms
- Mr Jan ROELS, Partner at Deloitte and Deloitte’s Global Tax Clients Leader
- Professor Jan ROOD, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
- M. Roland SCHÄFER, Gesandter, stellvertretender Leiter der Abteilung Politik bei der Ständigen Vertretung der BRD bei der EU
- Prof. Jean-Louis TERRIER, President of Credit Risk International France
- Mr Zoran THALER, Member of the European Parliament
- Mr Lászlo TÖKÉS, Deputy President of the European Parliament
- H.E. Ambassador Jan TOMBINSKI, Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU
- H.E. Mrs Lidija TOPIC, Adviser, Regional Cooperation Council
- Baron Frans VAN DAELE, Head of Cabinet of the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy
- Dr Jan VANDEMOORTELE, Former Senior Official of UNDP and UNICEF
- Mr Frank VANDENBROUCKE, Minister of State and Senator
- Professor Hal VARIAN, Chief Economist at Google and Emeritus Professor at the University of California at Berkeley
- H.E. Ambassador Milena VICENOVÁ, Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
- Mr Aled WILLIAMS, President of Eurojust and National Member for the United Kingdom
- Mr Ernest WYCISZKIEWICZ, Energy Security Programme Coordinator, Polish Institute of International Affairs