DE GROEN P. & MARQUES A. - European Banking (30h)
Assistant: Hugo MAYCA
This course has the following objectives:
1. To provide a comprehensive overview of the European banking landscape, including the diversity in business models and internationalisation.
2. To give an overview and critically evaluate the regulatory and institutional framework for banks operating in the Banking Union and non-Banking Union EU Member States.
3. To understand the importance of financial stability for economic growth.
The following topics will be covered:
A. EU banking landscape
B. Banking business models
C. Banking regulation
D. Risk-Weighted assets
E. EU-wide stress-testing
F. Financial stability
G. Deposit insurance
H. Bank resolution
For more information, please consult the ECTS Card.
Academic year
2022 - 2023
Second semester
Course type
Compulsory courses
ECTS Points