TRIDIMAS T. - Judicial Remedies in EU Law (40h)

Professor: T. TRIDIMAS

This course examines the system of judicial protection established by the EU Treaties and focuses on the contribution of the Court of Justice to the development of EU Law. It seeks to offer students detailed knowledge of the fundamental underpinnings of the legal system of the EU, the role of the Court of Justice, the means of judicial protection of EU rights before EU and national courts, and the general principles of EU law. The course is taught in a seminar form and seeks to enable students to appreciate, more broadly, the impact of the ECJ on European integration, the contribution of courts to political governance, and the relationship between politicians, courts and citizens.

The course focuses on the following topics :

The EU legal order (sources of EU law, the distinct qualities of EU law, EU acts, the competence of the EU); the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (overview of jurisdiction and procedure, judicial review of EU acts, the non-contractual liability of the EU, preliminary references, enforcement actions); the grounds of review and the general principles of law (Fundamental Rights, equality, proportionality, legal certainty and protection of legitimate expectations, the rights of defence, the right of access to official documents); the protection of EU rights in national courts (remedies, the dual requirements of equivalence and effectiveness, the requirement to provide effective judicial review, compensation, interim measures, Member State liability in damages); methods of interpretation and precedent.

Academic year
2022 - 2023
First semester
Course type
Compulsory courses
ECTS Points