CODOGNO L. - EU Macroeconomics (30h)
Providing an intermediate understanding of macroeconomics, with an overview on the institutions and rules underlying the European Union and the Euro Area, and the role of financial markets. Examining monetary and fiscal issues, and their interaction. Evaluating the origins and the nature of macroeconomic imbalances in the EU/Euro Area, financial sector issues, and macro stabilisation tools. Critically evaluating and discussing key macroeconomic aspects of European economic and financial integration.
- Monetary Policy in the Euro Area and the role of expectations
- Fiscal (Budgetary) Policy in the Euro Area, its stabilisation role, the political economy of deficit and debt dynamics
- Fiscal Policies and Structural Reforms
- Macroeconomic and Current Account Imbalances
- Supply-side policy, institutions and unemployment
- Perspectives for the Euro Area economy
- Special Topics
For more information please consult the ECTS card.
Academic year
2023 - 2024
First semester
Course type
Compulsory courses
ECTS Points