GROPAS R. & GIRAUDON V. - Migration, Mobility and Demography in the Europe's Changing Societies (25h)

Professor: GROPAS Ruby   Professor: GUIRAUDON Virginie       Academic Assistant: 

This course aims to provide students with the conceptual and practical tools necessary for analysing and understanding migration and demography trends, as well as related policies in Europe.

Migration is an integral part of human history. Although the media and political discourse tend to represent migration often as a ‘crisis’, or as a ‘new’ and ‘exceptional’ phenomenon, limited in space and time, population movements have characterised the history of Europe in all periods. Over the past few years, migration has risen to the top of the political agenda across the EU. Against a wider context of increased volatility, insecurity and uncertainty – largely driven by contrasting demographic trends, changing economic and social conditions, the changing nature of globalisation, global power shifts, new security risks, and new opportunities and challenges offered by technology - this course aims to contextualise migration in Europe.

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:

  1. Give an overview of migration trends, within Europe and to Europe;
  2. Underline the policy similarities and differences between countries or regions as regards migration and mobility;
  3. Better understand the governance implications of migration and diversity at the local (urban), regional, national as well as European and international level;
  4. Explain in broad lines European migration policy and intra-EU mobility and the most recent policy developments;
  5. Use the most relevant and robust analyses and information sources on migration, mobility and demography.


Academic year
2023 - 2024
Second semester
Course type
Optional courses
ECTS Points