NEMITZ P. - EU Data Protection Law (25h)

Professor: P. NEMITZ

The course will address topical issues of EU Data Protection Law in four principal areas:

  1. Data Protection within EU law
    Definition of personal data and fundamental principles of Data Protection law; the distinguished right to privacy; rights of individuals; obligations of data controllers; data protection impact assessment, Data Protection Officer; data protection by design and by default; independence of data protection authorities; powers of data protection authorities; cooperation of data protection authorities; data protection and in specific sectors and in context of new technologies; data protection in practice and as a career; relationship between data protection law and competition law – integrationist versus separatist viewpoints, and perspectives for the future.
  2. E-Privacy
    Processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector.
  3. European Law and mass surveillance
    Courts and legislators’ reactions to large scale surveillance under EU and Foreign law, data retention, passenger name records, Terrorist Financing tracking programmes.
  4. International aspects of data protection (International Transfers)
    International transfers of data under GDPR; US federal privacy protection and US state privacy protection.
Academic year
2023 - 2024
Second semester
Course type
ECTS Points