VALDINI M. - Women's Leadership in the European Union (8h)

Professor Melody E. VALDINI

Academic assistant: Nina GUIBÈRE

Description: This course, which is designed for students who identify as women as well as allies, focuses on building both academic knowledge as well as skill-building for future women leaders of the EU. In it, we consider the unique challenges of being a woman leader, and discuss techniques for successfully overcoming these challenges. Our main topics include: stereotypes about women’s ability to lead, the impact of institutional design, internalization of patriarchal norms, and violence towards women leaders in both the online and real-life spaces. Students will engages with scholarly readings on these issues as well as participate in skill-building activities.

At the end of this course, students will have gained:

- An understanding of the impact of EU institutional design on women’s leadership.

- An understanding the effects of social and implicit bias, stereotypes, and discrimination on women’s access to leadership opportunities.

- An understanding of intersectional identities and the socially-constructed nature of difference and power.

- Leadership skills useful across multiple EU career paths.

Academic year
2023 - 2024
Course type
ECTS Points