HUBERT A. & SOLER-GALLART M. - Addressing Social and Gender Inequalities in Europe (25h)

Professors: Agnès HUBERT & Marta SOLER-GALLART               Academic Assistant: Marie Acabo 

This course aims to provide the academic tools and first-hand experience to understanding the nature and scope of social and gender inequalities in Europe as well as the contributions that are leading to the promotion of equality and transformation. There is a strong connection between knowledge production and evidence-based policy making in relation to addressing inequalities. The course will provide complementary input from academic research and policy making at the European level, with special focus on the EU Framework Programme of Research and its social impact, as well as EU gender policy frameworks.

ECTS Card 2023-24

Academic year
2023 - 2024
Second semester
Course type
Optional courses
ECTS Points