18 June 2014: Tenth ELEA Symposium on "Law and Economics of Private Enforcement".
19 June 2013: Ninth ELEA Symposium on "Tensions between Competiton Rules and Intellectual Property Rights in the ICT Sector".
20 June 2012: Eighth ELEA Symposium on "The Interplay between Leniency Programmes and Private Damages Actions in the aftermath of Pfleiderer; "Mergers and Commitments"; "The Google case and Article 102 Abuses in the High-tech sector".
22 June 2011: Seventh ELEA Symposium on "Innovation and EU competition law" ; "Competition law in the airline sector"; "The role of economic evidence in EU competition law".
15 June 2010: Sixth ELEA Symposium, "Network Neutrality in the third telecoms package"; "State aids to banks in the economic crisis"; "Comments and first instances of application of the Article 102 guidance paper"
16 June 2009: Fifth ELEA-symposium; keynote speech on the occasion of the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the ELEA specialization by Mr. Damien Neven, Chief Economist, European Commission, DG Competition: "Competition Enforcement in the Current Financial and Economic Crisis addresses"
18 June 2008: Fourth ELEA-symposium, "Parallel trade in pharmaceuticals & competition policy"; "The law & economics of margin squeeze"; "The White Paper for damages".
20 June 2007: Third ELEA Symposium, "Network compatability in the EU"; "Criminal and civil sanction for antitrust infringements"; "The law and economics of rebates: the BA case".
22 June 2006: Second ELEA symposium "Third party access with regard to intellectual property rights"; "Third party access in energy sectors"; "Regulatory frame in electronic communications".
The Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies has published two new EU Diplomacy Papers Paper 4/2024 "Brussels Effect Reloaded? The European Union’s Digital Services Act and the...