| ALGERIA ENP countries |
| ANDORRA Government |
| ARMENIA ENP countries Lane Kirkland |
| AUSTRIA ENP for EU Member States The Austrian Government re-establishes a scholarship scheme for Austrian applicants. |
| AZERBAIJAN ENP countries Lane Kirkland |
| BELARUS ENP countries Lane Kirkland |
| BELGIUM ENP for EU Member States Jean-Luc Dehaene National Lottery Provincie West-Vlaanderen |
| BULGARIA ENP for EU Member States |
| CYPRUS ENP for EU Member States The Cypriot Government establishes a scholarship scheme for Cypriot applicants. The EU Aid programme for the Turkish Cypriot community offers scholarships for Turkish Cypriot applicants for the College of Europe, Bruges campus. |
| CROATIA ENP for EU Member States The Croatian Government will annually offer 6 full scholarships to Croatian students. (link to the website in Croatian + link to the website in English) |
| CZECHIA Government: the Government offers up to 5 scholarships for students and public servants. ENP for EU Member States Bakala Foundation: The College of Europe is an eligible institution for scholarships from the Bakala Foundation. Interested Czech candidates can apply here, in parallel to their College of Europe application. |
| DENMARK Government ENP for EU Member States |
| EGYPT ENP countries |
| ESTONIA ENP for EU Member States |
| FINLAND ENP for EU Member States |
| FRANCE Government ENP for EU Member States |
| GEORGIA ENP countries Lane Kirkland |
| GERMANY Government/Federal States (BMBF, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Baden-Württemberg & Thüringen) ENP for EU Member States |
| GIBRALTAR Government |
| GREECE ENP for EU Member States The Tsoukalis Foundation will be offering a scholarship to one Greek student, selected by the Greek Committee, on a yearly basis. For more information, visit: www.ixat.gr |
| HUNGARY Government ENP for EU Member States |
| IRELAND Government ENP for EU Member States |
| ISRAEL ENP countries |
| ITALY Government Several Italian regions offer scholarships for studies abroad. Applicants should directly contact the region where they have their domiciliation. ENP for EU Member States |
| JORDAN ENP countries |
| KAZAKHSTAN Lane Kirkland |
| KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Lane Kirkland |
| LATVIA ENP for EU Member States |
| LEBANON ENP countries |
| LIBYA ENP countries |
| LITHUANIA ENP for EU Member States |
| LUXEMBOURG Government ENP for EU Member States |
| MALTA Government ENP for EU Member States |
| MOLDOVA ENP countries Lane Kirkland |
| MONACO Government |
| MOROCCO ENP countries |
| NETHERLANDS (THE) Beursopener ENP for EU Member States Special funding scheme for Dutch students (supported by MFA, managed by the College of Europe) |
| NORWAY Norwegian State Educational Fund (Lanekassen) |
| POLAND Government ENP for EU Member States |
| PORTUGAL Government Governo dos Açores Governo da Madeira ENP for EU Member States |
| REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA Government (Macedonian language) - Government (Albanian language) The College of Europe has established multiple schemes to sponsor (citizenship of the country) students for the Tirana campus. |
| ROMANIA ENP for EU Member States |
| RUSSIA Lane Kirkland |
| SERBIA Telekom Serbia offers 10 full scholarships for Serbian students annually. The College of Europe has established multiple schemes to sponsor (citizenship of the country) students for the Tirana campus |
| SLOVAKIA The Government offers 2 scholarships for Slovak students. ENP for EU Member States |
| SLOVENIA ENP for EU Member States The Slovenian Government re-establishes 3 scholarships for Slovenian students. |
| SPAIN Government Comunidad Valenciana Diputación Foral de Bizkaia ENP for EU Member States Fundación Ramón Areces Gobierno de Canarias DIPLOCAT |
| SWEDEN Swedish Council for Higher Education ENP for EU Member States |
| SWITZERLAND Government |
| SYRIA ENP countries |
| TUNISIA ENP countries |
| TÜRKIYE Government Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme Türkiye The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers 2 scholarships for students from Türkiye admitted to the Natolin Campus. |
| UKRAINE Polish Government will offer up to 7 scholarships for students admitted to the Natolin Campus. ENP countries Lane Kirkland |
| UNITED KINGDOM Bruges-Natolin UK European Scholarships Fund Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Scottish Government |
| USA Fulbright BAEF |