BAEF: The Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) encourages applications from US students for fellowships for advanced study during the academic year 2024-2025. More information can be found on the BAEF website.
EU4Youth (Natolin campus only): The College of Europe in Natolin is offering additional full scholarships for its postgraduate advanced Master of Arts in European Interdisciplinary Studies to young students coming from the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine). The scholarships cover tuition fee, full board and lodging on campus. They are funded under the "EU4Youth phase III Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship" programme, which receives funding from the EU and is co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. While all candidates holding the above indicated nationalities are eligible, the priority in assigning scholarships shall be given to those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. This scholarship programme is in place for the academic years 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO): The FCDO is funding a small number of scholarships to allow civil servants from theUK, to study at the College. The scholarships are available to all established graduate civil servants, including those in the fast stream programme who are committed to remain in an EU/International facing role in the civil service for 2-3 years. Further information is available from the FCDO College of Europe Team (
Fulbright: The Fulbright Commission in Brussels funds American candidates to study in Belgium ( and in the European Union (, including at the College of Europe. Candidates interested in a grant should apply before the deadline in October to the Institute of International Education at the following sites: Belgium: Belgium ( Poland: Poland (
A first InclusivEU scholarship was awarded in 2023-2024.
"Jean-Luc Dehaene"(Bruges campus only): Sponsored by AB InBev, Lotus Bakeries and Umicore One full scholarship for a Belgian student admitted to the European Economic Studies programme.
Lane Kirkland (Natolin campus only): Applicants to the College of Europe for the "European Interdisciplinary Studies" programme (Natolin Campus) from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Moldova may apply for a Lane Kirkland scholarship. Please be informed that – in order to apply for one of those scholarships – the applicant has to go through the Lane Kirkland selection process as well. For details concerning this scholarship scheme please refer to Contact person: Ms Urszula Sobiecka: We strongly encourage you to apply for the scholarships as the College offers scholarships only to a very limited number of students/countries. The College of Europe does not take part in the selection procedure of the Lane Kirkland scholarships and has no authority in this procedure.
Provincie West-Vlaanderen (Bruges campus only): One partial scholarship (€ 10.000) for a Belgian student domiciled in West-Flanders.
Rotary International(Bruges and Natolin campus): Students who have obtained a Rotary International scholarship can apply for admission to the College of Europe.
Scottish Government: The Scottish Government normally offers up to 3 scholarships covering fees and board and lodging for students ordinarily resident in Scotland.
The EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community: Applications for the College of Europe programmes must be submitted online through the website of the College of Europe. Enquiries for more information on the scholarship scheme may be addressed by email to